It is interesting seeing people under 30 carrying bottled water and constantly drinking. Yet people, over 40, rarely drink water or even order water in a restaurant.

It has been estimated that, as we age, we lose the sensation of thirst. We often confuse thirst with a hunger sensation. We think we must eat to feel better but all we need is a couple glasses of water.

Senior citizens are often dehydrated and lose daily 3-6 quarts of water from their cells. The body recycles 40,000 glasses of water daily and is short 810 glasses.

The body needs 2 quarts of water daily to make up for this deficit, and also • tablespoon of salt (sea salt is the best). One ounce of water is needed daily for every two pounds
of body weight.

A 200-pound person needs 100 ounces of water daily. Minerals are also needed daily; taking a vitamin daily will get an adequate amount of these minerals.

Your body contains 75% water and 25% solids. Sixty six percent of body water is in the cells, 25% is outside the cells and 8% is in the blood.

Water is lost from the body from sweating, urinating, breathing, and bowel movements. When one is adequately hydrated, the urine should look clear.