Sixty million Americans have taken botanical herbs and 50 million are taking them now. 650,000 physicians are now trying to guide patients in their selections but very few doctors are familiar with them since herbs were not taught in medical schools.

Herbs have been around for centuries but after W.W.II, synthetic drugs have been the subject of the day. Herbs and vitamins represent a market of $10 billion and are growing 10% a year.

The Food and Drug Administration has formed a panel to investigate the toxicity of herbs and their interaction with western drugs. Research in Europe supports the use of herbs.

The rush is on for doctors to get up to speed on learning about herbs. Doctors know that if they can’t guide the patients and give answers, patients will look to someone who knows.

Herbs are commonly used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance treatment. The following Western herbs are commonly used.

When you have pain it is a sign that the body is infected, diseased, or injured in some way. Most of the herbs fight fever, bacteria, inflammation and spasms.

Most people take pain pills as Tylenol, Vioxx, Darvon, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents as Motrin, and Celebrex. All present some side effects.

It is important to find the cause of pain and not mask the cause by taking either pain relieving herbs or western drugs. If you know the cause to be muscle pains, chronic arthritis, tension headaches, or chronic back pain and there appears no cure, one may try some excellent herbs to help quiet the pain.

Always remember that acupuncture may eliminate the cause of these pains.
