*Don’t live other people’s lives. It is useless to give advice, judge, or criticize people.
* Don’t take pleasure in losses and shortcomings of others.
  • * Events are not in my control and often my will will not be done.
  • *Must start listening to others. I must talk briefly, gently and cordially.
  • *Let the needs of others come before my needs. I must be optimistic and affirmative in my actions.
  • *I can’t replace every minute I live.
  • *I never stop wanting. My wish list only self-interest and never ends. My desires often lead to disaster. I try to change the unchangeable by acquiring meaningless things. My desires don’t need pampering.
  • *I really don’t count. My ideas are only fantasies and my successes last only as long as a mark in the sand. I must only act on my ideas and desires when I double-check their value.
  • * Be content with my circumstances in my life. My job is ok. Everything that happens to me is neither good nor bad.
  • *I must stay awake, look and speak humbly, and above all see that my world is always alive in me.

  • Kontera456