Realize that a number of sun screens contain toxic chemicals that can invade your skin and increase your risk of cancer. This summer, you along with millions of Americans will be shopping for sunscreen protection. Warned about the dangers of the sun, you want to protect yourselves from dangerous UV rays. While it’s important to protect yourself, be cautious. and informed.

Oxybenzone, a chemical used in many sun products with high Sun Protection Factors (SPF).
are powerful free radical generators that increase cellular damage and can lead to cancer. The incidence of skin cancers has increased even as sunscreens have become popular.

Sun worshipers are now using more suntan lotions than ever before. These sun “protectors” often have strong estrogenic activity, and the synthetic chemicals accumulate in body fat stores being difficult to remove.

The sunscreens used certainly protect against sunburn, but not melanoma, whose incidence has increased more than 20 times since 1935, but very little testing has been done on these chemicals.

Since they prevents against skin cancer, dermatologists and the FDA strongly advocate the sunscreens to be applied heavily every 2 hours, even on young children. (Two year olds and younger, don’t have the enzyme to break down this toxin.)

Over the last 10 years, many cancer specialists feel the sunscreen chemicals, because of their free radical generating properties, may be actually increasing the incidence of cancer. Unprotected sunlight exposure, for 20 minutes daily, may actually decrease human cancer rates. Increase Vitamin D production, and improve your health.

Suntan protectives contains oxybenzone and/or PABA. Their function is to filter the ultraviolet light that hits the surface of your skin and convert it to heat that can be absorbed through the skin.

When the oxybenzone is absorbed through the skin, the bottom layers of the skin become damaged by the ultraviolet light. The oxybenzone additive is used to also preserves cosmetic ingredients from deteriorating from the sun. This makes it useful in lipstick,

Six common chemicals are used in sunscreens, lipsticks creams, lotions, facial cosmetics, and even nail polish. Five of these chemicals, (benzophenone-3, homosalate, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate and octyl-dimethyl-PABA), behave like strong estrogen in lab tests and cause cancer cells to grow rapidly. PABA damages the DNA and increases the risk of skin cancers. especially melanoma.

Estrogenic chemicals also block testosterone actions. This reduces sexual arousal and sensation and loss of libido. The sperm count in men in industrialized countries has dropped 50% during the past 50 years. The exposure to such endocrine-disrupting compounds resulting in birth defects in children, lower sperm counts and penis size in men.

Estrogenic chemicals can mimic hormonal (or real) estrogen, the key female sex hormone.
These estrogenic toxins behave like estrogen, causing in some cases breast cancer, serious sexual development problems, and adult sexual malfunction. When the body's hormone receptors recognize the estrogenic chemical as an estrogen, and tissue is feminized. Estrogenic sunscreens in the breast milk of mothers have high levels of estrogen per kilogram of fat. This is the about same level as other known environmental contaminants such as PCBs.

The FDA recently issued maximum concentrations of the toxins to be under 6%. The Center for disease control found this toxin present in 97% of the urine samples surveyed. Felling protected, people who use highly protective sunscreens tend to stay out in sunlight much longer. The damages of longer sun exposure should be countered by the sunscreen's supposed protective actions.

You should have alternative methods to protect your skin and keep healthy. Alternatives include: Calamine lotion which protects and soothe skin. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are stable compounds that provide broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection and do not penetrate the skin.

Men, who shave their heads remove protection from the skin. Growing a beard gives you a SPF protection of at least 10. Even overing your skin with tomato paste and ketchup can protect the skin because of the lycopene in the sauce. The lycopene in tomato sauce, tomato paste and ketchup has been shown to protect the skin from sun damage and decrease UVA rays by 33%.

We think of sunscreen as a safe protection against the dangers of the sun,but these lotions and creams have been proven to be dangerous. Fourteen years ago Europe, Canada, and Australia banned our sunscreens and use Parsol (avobenzone). Using titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide, was also found to generate powerful free radicals, releasing toxins within seconds. It is easily absorbed through the epidermis of the skin, and absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
Maibach, H. "NDELA-Percutaneous Penetration." FDA Contract 223-75-2340, May 19,
J Invest Dermatol; 1981; 76(2): 94-96.)1998, Dr. John Knowland of the University of OxfordAmerican
Journal of Public Health, Vol. 82, No. 4, April 1992, pp. 614-15).
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Science News, Vol. 153, No. 23, June 6, 1998, p. 360)

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