We don't have time to sleep and are very determined to stay awake. We can't sleep when we can't turn off our thalmo-cortical system. Staying awake beyond our normal limits make us feel anxiety, stress, and fatigue. Physical activity as walking and exercise decrease our demand to think: attention can reduce anxiety and fatigue feelings. We can stay wide-awake for 6-8 hours and even up to 12 hours but then fatigue sets in. The eye moves up to 20 time per second. Each of these eye movements sends excitatory signals to update the brain's view of the world. The eyelid controls the access to visual data to the brain. After 6-8 hours of alert work, we are ready for a break. Hobbies, family, socializing, and watching TV, boosts our emotional state of being. Most of us have a second career after we come home from a hard day of work. Being anxious and stressed out during the day and being deprived of sleep at night, we become all wound up. We are always moving between being awake and dreaming. Our eyes scan the newspaper pages but the info does not enter the brain because the thalmo-cortical system has shut down. Many times we can't sleep because we can't turn off the thalmocortical system.

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