Young girls are now given four herpes viruses to prevent cervical cancers. The vaccinatIons can lead to other disease entities. This vaccine is now pushed for all girls 15 years of age. Seems like overkill without long-term trials longer than 5 years.

Background: Human papilloma virus type 16 (HPV=16) and type 18(HPV18) cause 70% of cervical cancers throughout the world.

A vaccine of HPV16 and HPV18 combined with HPV6 and HPV 11was given to 6000 females between 15 and 26,in 3 doses over 6 months. HPV6 and HPV11 were added because these viruses are present in genital warts.

Results: The women were followed for 3 years. Effectiveness was 17% against high-grade cervical lesions. One thousand women got pregnant and of those delivering a live baby, 5 congenital anomalies were found in the vaccine group and none in the placebo group. Follow up was relatively short under 4-5 years.

Discussion: The vaccine is effective in high-grade lesions but most lesions found were low grade often reversible since most HPV infections are transient. Giving girls four viruses to prevent cervical cancers could lead to other disease entities. This vaccine is now pushed for all girls 15 years of age. Seems like overkill without long-term trials longer than 5 years. What do you think?

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