Bacteria live with us and keep us healthy. As we take antibiotics to get rid of diseases as ulcers, an odd trend is happening. As we eliminated the harm bacteria do, we lower the protections they provide us.

We have been taught to think of all bacteria as harmful germs. We use in the U.S. antibacterial products to the tune of $1 billion annually.

After discovering that the Heliobacter bacterial causes ulcers, ulcers and stomach cancers have dramatically declined. However we see asthma tripled and higher rates of hay fever and allergies as eczema.

We have ten times more bacteria in our bodies than cells. There are alone over 500 different bacteria in our bowels and another 500 species in our mouths. There are 113 different sets of colonies on the forearm and other bacteria in the bend of the elbow.

There are over 10,000 bacteria per square centimeter on the surface of the skin and 1-minion bacteria per square centimeter just under the skin. Some can cause damage, but most are good.

Half of all humans carried the H.Pylori stomach bacterial until recently. Now only 5% of people have it, because of widespread antibiotic use. Those who have the H. Pylori bacteria are two thirds less likely to have asthma, hay fever and rashes.

It seems by changing who lives in our guts, we may prevent Type 1 diabetes. Yale researchers recently found that doses of the right stomach bacteria can stop Type 1 diabetes in lab mice.

We living human beings co-evolved with these microorganisms. Every mammal has its own unique variety of bacteria. Bacteria live with us and are a part of us. Bacteria are crucial to our well being. Perhaps even protecting us from cancer?